Tag Archives: judgment

hello! i am enough.

I stepped into my friend’s car and this name tag was on his dashboard. “Wow,” I said. My next thought was that we should all keep these types of notes stored internally so that we can be grounded in “I am enough,” “I am just right,” etc. v the tyranny of the negative internal self that is ever-so-present in those struggling with eating disorders (and too many others).

What are your internal notes? Which do you want to keep? Which no longer serve you? Which are destructive? Today, make a conscious note. What is your note?

honor your body – part 1

All too often, and for a variety of reasons, we internalize negative thoughts, expectations, images and ideas and use them destructively against ourselves. These internalizations turn into damaging whispers that are full of judgment and contempt.
Last year I asked the people in my life to consider the negative messages that they have heard, and perhaps internalized, about their bodies and their selves. Here is the list…
pain is temporary, pride is forever
you can never be too rich or too thin
nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
if it tastes good, spit it out
bigger snacks mean bigger slacks
think thin
dieting is not a piece of cake
a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips
little pickers wear bigger knickers
you’ve got to move it to lose it
in through the lips and down to your hips
don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork
no pain, no gain
eat, shrink and be merry
supermodels always go to bed hungry
it only tastes good for a minute
if you indulge, you bulge
thin has a taste all of its own
thinner is the winner
every time you say no to food, you say yes to thin
don’t do anything today that you’ll regret tomorrow
hunger hurts but starving works
i may as well just apply it to my hips
fat makes you fat
What is on your list?

Don’t go anywhere yet… continue here!