Tag Archives: music

why music moves us


In the wake of Whitney Houston’s death there has been a lot of discussion about her having provided the “soundtrack” for our lives for the past nearly 30 years. Music moves us. We’ve all experienced it, hearing a song that suddenly brings us back to particular time, place or experience.

Music also gets into our bodies. We’ve gotten chills, goosebumps and been moved to tears. Did you ever wonder why? The Wall Street Journal just published an article about the science of music and the power that it has over our sympathetic nervous system, the system that regulates involuntary bodily functions, e.g.: cardiovascular system, digestion, sweat glands, etc. Backed by research, the article details the mechanics of musical arrangements, how they are experienced by our bodies and why sometimes, we can endlessly listen to the same song.

So the next time you feel moved, as the article so beautifully invites us to do, “sit back and let the dopamine keep us coming back for more.”

words that move me

For years I’ve had conversations with patients, colleagues, friends, family, students and acquaintances about what inspires them. What makes them stand up straighter, prouder and take up the space that they are entitled to in the world. There have been many answers ranging from music to admirable people to mantras to tokens, but always, people offered me a quote that they hold close to their heart. In the world of Facebook, I have seen lots of status updates in the form of a favorite inspirational quote. Below are some of the offerings, as well as some of my own personal favorites – I, too, find inspiration in the words of others. What’s your inspiration?

“If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative.” – Woody Allen

“If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” – Thomas Alva Edison

“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” – Albert Einstein

“Within a singular plane of reality, picture the sense of completely open possibility. Nothing is determined; anything is possible.” – Daniel Siegel

“If you wanna fly, you gotta give up the sh*t that weighs you down.” – Toni Morrison

“Nothing’s gonna change my world.” – Beatles, Across The Universe

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Ghandi

“Silence is so accurate.” – Mark Rothko

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the tradewinds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

“We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. ” – T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

“We only live once, but once is enough if we do it right.” – Gary Ryan Blair

“I exist as I am, that is enough.” – Walt Whitman

“Just as the caterpillar thought it was about to die, it turned into a butterfly.” – Proverb

“When someone shows you who they really are, believe them the first time.” – Maya Angelou

“Beneath the ups and downs of everyday life there is a profound state of balance.” – Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” – Mark Twain

“First we have to believe, and then we believe.” – Martha Graham

“Be curious, not judgmental.” – Walt Whitman

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” – Robert Frost

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

“We never touch someone so lightly that we do not leave a trace.” – Ruth Gossen

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.” – Joseph Campbell

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Life looks best with a little patina.” – Jodi Rubin 🙂

tunes that move me

As human beings, we are all but hard-wired to respond to music. Studies reveal the incredible impact of music on the brain. Its effects are profound, deep and emotional. The results stretch from lowering blood pressure to enhancing the ability to learn to shifting ones state of consciousness.

Music moves my soul. Here are a few of my favorite positive & inspiring tunes that I hope will move yours…

Christina Aguilera: Beautiful 

P!nk: Fu*kin Perfect

India Arie: Video

Helen Reddy: I Am Woman

Sly & The Family Stone: Everyday People

Christina Aguilera: Soar

Irene Cara: What A Feeling

Fleetwood Mac: Don’t Stop

Beyoncé: Run The World (Girls)

Lady Gaga: Born This Way

Eminem: Not Afraid

Eddie Vedder: Rise

Tragically Hip: Ahead By A Century

Lee Ann Womack: I Hope You Dance

Shania Twain: Man! I Feel Like A Woman

Jennifer Lopez: Alive

Lady Gaga: Hair

Madonna: Shanti/Ashtangi

En Vogue: This Is Your Life http://www.vh1.com/artists/az/en_vogue/albums.jhtml?albumId=39052

Morcheeba: Be Yourself

What moves you? What awakens your mind? Your body? Your spirit? Share below (in “comments”)