Tag Archives: comfort zone

get uncomfortable


“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch

“Nothing happens until something moves.” – Albert Einstein

All too often we find ourselves within the confines of our comfort zone wondering why it is that we feel bored, stuck, depressed, frustrated or 1,000 other things. We wiggle around that little circle (see above) and try to figure out how to make it work or feel less depressing. We may figure out a few things but many times that’s not enough.

Change and growth are lifelong processes. Inevitably the passage of time (and the process of growth) leaves us feeling dissatisfied with the status quo and envisioning a compelling newer version of ourselves and what we want in our lives. This is exciting stuff! Magic happens when things move (for a reminder of some science behind the magic, click HERE).

Change can be scary, too. Within trial and error there lies the risk of failure (in my opinion, another opportunity for growth) and there is no recipe for success. Knowing that you are enough, despite your successes or failures, is a critical piece of the foundation that is necessary for resilience. A healthy support system and a fan base rooting for you (which might include friends, family, significant others, etc.) can also be significant source of strength and support.

Challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone and enter the place where the magic happens. What have you wanted for yourself? What did you want to try? What did you want to change? Allow yourself to try new things, to aspire to new goals and to do this without judgment. Don’t think about it, trust your instinct and let yourself fly!

everything begins with an idea

Had this not been a statue, I’d swear that an idea was being born!

idea – (as defined by miriam-webster)
1. an entity (as a thought, concept, sensation or image) actually or potentially present to consciousness.
2. a formulated thought or opinion

idea – (as defined by the urban dictionary)
1. usually something stupid that pops into your head right before you get hurt
2. a thought, plan, notion, anything that is conjured up in the brain and sometimes put into action and/or shared with the rest of the crowd.

I agree with all of the above. Particularly, the part about getting hurt. If we let our minds play, we will quickly notice that we’re full of ideas! The difference between ideas we pursue and ideas we never share comes down to some sort of financial and emotional cost/benefit analysis. The financial analysis speaks for itself but it’s the emotional analysis that has much to do with our choices. What will others think about my idea? Will my idea be successful? Will my idea fail? What if my idea is not good enough? Perhaps there grows a fear of an assault to one’s self-esteem.

Martha Graham said, “first we have to believe, and then we believe.”

Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.”

Woody Allen said, “If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative.”

Thomas Alva Edison said, “If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”

We have to find belief in ourselves from the very place where our ideas are born. We have to take risks and reach beyond our comfort zones to grow stronger, wiser and more satisfied in our lives. The next time your little yellow light bulb goes off, embrace it, explore it and take it seriously. Reengage with your creative, inventive and playful self!